How can I change the language of Articles & Quizzes?

If you want the content in different language in BYJU'S Exam Prep app then first of all, update your app to the latest version. After that go to Settings ---> Change Language option to change your default language of all the posts from Hindi to English or English to Hindi. This will ensure that all the content in your feed posted by BYJU'S Exam Prep mentors is coming in the default language selected by you. A Language switch icon is shown at the top right corner in each of the posts in case you want to switch the language for a particular post in the app. If you are using BYJU'S Exam Prep on website then you can change the language of a post by using the language switch icon given with the post. There is no option to select default language on BYJU'S Exam Prep website. If there is no language switch icon in a post, it means that the post is available in single language only.


If you want the content in a different language in BYJU'S Exam Prep app then, first of all, update your app to the latest version. After that go to Settings ---> Change Language option to change your default language of all the posts from Hindi to English or English to Hindi. This will ensure that all the content in your feed posted by BYJU'S Exam Prep mentors is coming in the default language selected by you. A Language switch icon is shown at the top right corner in each of the posts in case you want to switch the language for a particular post in the app. If you are using BYJU'S Exam Prep on the website then you can change the language of a post by using the language switch icon given with the post. There is no option to select the default language on BYJU'S Exam Prep website. If there is no language switch icon in a post, it means that the post is available in a single language only.

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